A growing number of companies developing brain implant technology have reached the human testing stage. These intracranial brain-computer interfaces have so far been able to successfully reanimate paralyzed limbs and restore communication and mobility via BCI-controlled external interfaces, such as prosthetic devices or computers. The field's nascent nature begets ethical concerns over the privacy and assumed inalienability of one's brain activity, including their memories.
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6:06Imagine a world where technology not only surrounds us but is also integrated directly into our brains—allowing thoughts to control devices, restore lost functions, and offer new hope for those with paralysis or neurological disorders. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are bridging this gap, translating brain signals into digital commands to operate prosthetics, computers, and more. From monkeys controlling robotic arms to Neuralink’s human trials, the development of BCIs has been groundbreaking, but it also raises complex medical, ethical, and privacy concerns.
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The New Yorker
Do brain implants change your identity?
As brain implants pass human trial stages and more people go or have gone about their everyday lives with BCIs, many patients report becoming a different person after surgery and subsequent symptom relief. Some see a surge in potentially hazardous conditions and behaviors, such as depression, depersonalization, or uncharacteristic impulsivity. The extent to which these implants influence these changes is unclear.
MIT Technology Review
Who owns your brain implant?
An Australian woman was given a brain implant in a clinical trial to help people with epilepsy. After years of struggling with life-disrupting seizures, she felt like "I could do anything"—at least until her implant was removed against her will two years later when the company that made it folded. Ethicists question whether this removal violates "neuro rights," a subset of human rights focused on the mind.
Brain-computer interfaces have elevated wearable technology to a new level of integration. Electrodes inside earbuds, headphones, watches, and headbands allow users to monitor their brain activity, potentially using these insights to manage conditions such as flow state, ADHD, migraine, and cognitive decline. These devices record and transmit brain activity, begging the question of who or what—like governments, insurance companies, and employers—will have access to this data.
These prosthetics are plugged directly into the skeletal system using titanium implants like those used in dentistry. Electrodes are implanted in the muscles and nerves around the residual limb, which may require reconfiguration of muscle movement and contraction to restore full range of motion. Neural signals related to commands like "close your hand" are then translated into code and trained into a tiny computer in the limb.
Undark Magazine
Can brain implants help with addiction?
Roughly half of people who've experienced addiction relapse after treatments such as medication, therapy, and residential programs, pushing their substance use disorder into the subcategory of treatment-resistant. Those with such a manifestation of SUD may benefit from neural stimulation by implants threaded beneath the cerebral cortex in the "deep brain." Researchers are hopeful, though further study is needed and currently hindered by high costs and tiny trial sizes.
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