Business & Finance

The United States is home to more than 33 million businesses, the vast majority of which are small businesses, with millions being created (and others closing shop) every year. These businesses often rely on loans, provide the goods and services that keep the economy flowing, and sometimes even grow large enough to enter public markets or provide private investment opportunities.

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Key Business & Finance information from around the internet — curated and summarized by our team

A bar graph showing average 401(k) contributions over five years.
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The average American contributed nearly $6,000 to a 401(k) account in 2023, an increase over the previous year and roughly 8% of their total income. Check out these and more numbers on America’s 401(k) saving habits with this survey across different financial companies’ plans to give a representative glimpse at retirement saving today.

Photograph of person in front of Wall Street building with text box overlaid on top
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From an architect’s point of view, the buildings on Wall Street help tell the story of the street itself. This video takes you on a walking tour of many of the major buildings on Wall Street, guided by architect Nicholas Potts. In the video, Potts explains the many architectural styles on display within Wall Street’s few blocks, and what they reveal about a few iconic Wall Street institutions. Watch it here.

Screenshot of Pew Research middle-class income calculator
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In 2022, roughly 52% of US adults lived in middle-income households, according to Pew Research. This income calculator can help you determine whether or not you're one of them. Specifically, the calculator lets you enter your household income, location, and more to see where you line up in Pew's government data. Check it out here.

Logo for the podcast "Search Engine"
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As both rent prices and mortgage rates rise across the US, many companies have simultaneously continued operating hybrid or remote workforces post-pandemic. You've probably heard someone ask the following question recently: why can't we turn the empty office spaces into apartments? This podcast episode dives into why city dwellers aren't all living in their pre-pandemic break rooms just yet.

Chart of what a gold bar is worth
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On August 16, 2024, the value of a 400 oz gold bar (the size often seen in movies) hit $1M for the first time. That happened because the price of gold reached $2,500 per troy ounce for the first time ever. Want to see what other gold bar sizes are worth? Check out this data visualization that compares them to the size of an iPhone.

animation of different roles in Hollywood
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A huge network of people makes up Hollywood—a place associated with glamour and fortune. Read this article in The Hollywood Reporter to learn more about the actual roles within the industry and what these workers are paid. From studio executives to makeup artists, learn what the different Hollywood salaries are.

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