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One of the most significant advances in modern medical science, CRISPR is a molecular tool that can make precise changes to a gene’s DNA.

An acronym for the scientific descriptor of “clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,” the CRISPR system was discovered in single-celled organisms, where it acts as an immune system, attacking invasive viruses.

But scientists have learned how to modify the CRISPR system for use as a powerful gene editing tool, which researchers are using in efforts to develop everything from new medical treatments to more robust crops.

What CRISPR Does

Genes are the blueprints for what makes you, you. We inherit genes from our parents, and they provide the instructions for everything from building your skeleton to making sure your body operates the way it is supposed to. All of that genetic information is contained in specialized molecules called DNA (watch simple explainer). 

Sometimes, the sequence of a gene’s DNA varies from the “normal” sequence in a way that causes problems—ranging from an increased likelihood of getting certain cancers to conditions such as cystic fibrosis.

Scientists are excited about CRISPR because they can use it to target these variants and cut them out, replacing them with new DNA that will (hopefully) fix the problem.

How CRISPR Works

CRISPRs are tools that allow scientists to target and manipulate precise sections of DNA. These tools have two parts. The first part is a “guide RNA” that is designed to identify a specific DNA sequence and latch on to it. The second part is a Cas protein. If the guide RNA is the targeting mechanism, the Cas protein is the tool that springs into action once the targeted DNA has been identified.

The most widely used Cas protein in gene editing is Cas9, which is essentially a pair of molecular scissors that cut the DNA targeted by CRISPR. Cells try to repair the cut DNA but often include errors that deactivate the targeted gene, effectively turning it off.

But scientists are also able to create customized DNA “templates” for the cell to use as a blueprint when repairing the DNA that was targeted by CRISPR. In short, the template allows scientists to replace the targeted DNA sequence with a new one (watch overview). 

Scientists can also use a wide variety of other Cas proteins (or even engineered versions of those proteins) to make many different types of edits to targeted genes. 

How Researchers Are Using CRISPR

Practical applications for CRISPR are already available. Scientists have used CRISPR to create an FDA-approved treatment for patients with sickle cell disease. The treatment uses CRISPR to edit the genes that produce misshaped blood cells in sickle cell patients, essentially eliminating symptoms of the disease for at least a year (the treatment was only approved in 2023).

Separately, dozens of clinical trials are underway for treatments that use CRISPR to address everything from cancers to HIV.

Scientists are also using CRISPR to create new crops for food production, make existing crops more resilient, and improve farming sustainability. Some early field trials are underway—with some experts saying CRISPR-edited crops will be in widespread use within the next 15 years.

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Relevant articles, podcasts, videos, and more from around the internet — curated and summarized by our team

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Visualizing gene editing at the level of DNA

Open link on media.hhmi.org

CRISPR is a revolutionary gene-editing technology already making real-world impact in helping treat a number of diseases and conditions. It works by snipping out bad genetic code and repairing or replacing it with correct sequences. But what does this really mean? This simulation provides a microscopic view of what’s happening the molecular level to help visualize the complex science in a simple way.

Open link on gastropod.com

Early generations of genetically modified foods took desirable genes from one organism and put them in another organism. Many consumers are skeptical of GMOs, but researchers are now moving ahead with CRISPR to genetically engineer everything from tomatoes to yogurt. How will these CRISPR-modified foods differ from GMOs? And do researchers think the CRISPR foods will do better in the court of public opinion?

Open link on ted.com

In 2020, Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their pioneering work on CRISPR gene editing tools. In this interview, Doudna talks with TED about CRISPR’s potential to tackle genetic disease and climate change, and the moral and ethical considerations coming into play when making changes to the building blocks of life.

Open link on sci.hms.harvard.edu

Many online resources focus on understanding the science behind CRISPR and how that technology can be used. Fewer resources help people explore questions about how CRISPR should be used. This simulation was developed to grant a deeper understanding of the complex ethical issues associated with biomedical research in general, and with CRISPR-based therapies in particular.

Open link on science.org

Coral reef ecosystems are critical for the world’s oceans' health. But corals are rapidly dying off due to challenges associated with climate change. Take a deep dive into the scientists' efforts to pursue a handful of solutions—from cross-breeding corals to create heat-resistant varieties, to using CRISPR gene editing to create corals capable of handling life in warming oceans.

Innovative Genomics Institute

Phage Invaders: a CRISPR game

Open link on innovativegenomics.org

Want to play a computer game while learning about biology and the CRISPR immune system in bacteria? You’re in luck! This free, easy-to-play game lets you blast invading viruses while learning about the mechanisms CRISPR uses to protect bacteria from viral infection. Teachers who wish to use the game in lesson plans may contact UC Berkeley with questions.

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